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Laclede County is a rural community that has the same challenges that come with poverty that a town of any size has. Our Board Of Directors was created in January 2020 when one board member’s agency, Project 360 Youth Services, Inc., led the very first Point In Time Count ever conducted for HUD to determine the number of unsheltered and sheltered homeless in the county. Almost every non-profit providing services to the underserved in our area agreed to participate in the count. From this first successful collaboration of non-profit agencies, it became apparent that if they combined their knowledge and efforts as Elevate Lebanon, they could provide more efficient and cost-effective services. Elevate Lebanon has intentionally tried to get as many agencies as possible fully committed.


Project 360 Youth Services founder Patti Brayfield solicited individuals from various agencies serving our citizens living in poverty as well as individuals from the community with specific experience to form an inaugural board of directors. Each member of the board comes with expertise specific to their own work and life experience that allows them to lead with compassion and set policy that follows sound business practices. They are guided and inspired by Elevate Branson who provides leadership and 13 years of experience.

Greg Taunt
Community Volunteer
Education Specialist
Cathy Qualls
Vice President
Community Volunteer
Youth Specialist
Becky King
LifePoint Outreach
Paul Rone
Community Volunteer
Financial Advisor
Debbie Cantrell
COPE Domestic Violence Shelter
Board Member
Harold Bradshaw
Salvation Army
Board Member And Volunteer
Cricket Staggs
Laclede County Literacy Council
Board Member
Katy Goslin
Compass Health Network
Kim Root
New Life House
Board Member
Jim Voigt
Community Volunteer
Local Pastor
Patti Brayfield
Project 360 Youth Services
Board Member
Richard Seibert
Community Volunteer
Veterans Issues And Housing Specialist
Steve Stewart
Jordan Valley Community Health Center



The median household income in Laclede County is 15% less than the state of Missouri and 31% less than the national average.


According to the US Census Bureau, 8 – 11 million Americans are forced into poverty annually due to health care expenses. People who don’t have health insurance have the highest risk of falling into poverty. The number of individuals with health insurance in Laclede County is 29% less than the national average.


Too many individuals and families in our community commonly lack an acceptable amount of money or material possessions to satisfy their basic needs. Many are surprised that poverty is most prevalent among females, especially younger women (ages 18-35) with children.

0 +

people in Laclede County

Missouri live in poverty.

Most who live in poverty are female, ages 18-35 and 45-54.

Reference: United States Census Bureau, www.census.gov; Bureau of Labor Staistics, www.bls.gov


Elevate Lebanon addresses the root causes of poverty in order to create lasting change. We provide resources, relationships, and a network of support that provides hope, dignity, and meaningful work. We believe the only way out of poverty is through employment. Earning a dignified income is an essential ingredient for life change.


We Elevate Lebanon by helping our neighbors help themselves, with programs for their physical, relational, and spiritual needs. We love people where they are, so we can help them find purpose, make connections, and develop the skills and authentic relationships we all need to prosper.


Real solutions take time, patience, and dedication. We expect to see long-term success achieved with love, accountability, and community-wide support.